I’ll go near by the sea again


I’ll go near by the sea again.
This time with sea like heart.
With empty form and will be amazed
By observing the airy homing pigeon
I know, I know somebody far by still
Chuckling. When the laughing just
Fade out I’ll think about you. Surely
I’ll think about you because I didn’t
Have any other horizon without you.
What I had, was just manifestation
Of fallacies and white lies. When
Sun will set and I’ll gaze at the
Rose sky and utter the greatest
Poem of the world. Then I’ll sneak
Around at the dim lighted tea shop
And listen to their stories, stories
Of their greatest heroes, stories of
The prophets through their mouths.
In this insipid life how many kites
Flying above? And I’ll color the
Insipidness today, and that flying
Object. Nevertheless I love this
Insipid honesty my dearest squeeze,
When a thousands of mysteries
Whirling around in this joyous of

7th May, 2016


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